Mining District

The Toodoggone gold camp is geologically similar in nature to economically significant Epithermal gold camps situated around the Pacific margin. The Toodoggone Camp therefore possesses the potential to host significant deposits given suitable combination of localized geological parameters.

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Under Management in the USA 

Hi-View Projects

Hi-View, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zeal Exploration Inc. (“Zeal”) holds an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Golden Stranger claims (“Golden Stranger Property”) and a 100% interest in the Lawyers West, East, South claims (“Lawyers Group Property”), together with claims acquired directly through staking. All properties are contiguous and located in the Toodoggone region of northern BC, prospective for gold, silver, and copper.

Hi-View’s properties are contiguous to Thesis Gold’s “Lawyers” Project and “Ranch” Project. Thesis Gold, after the recent merger with Benchmark Metals, is now one of the largest precious metals development and exploration companies in the district, totaling 32,400 hectares of consolidated and contiguous land hosting multi million ounces of gold discoveries.

This recent merger of Hi-View’s neighboring companies has the potential to enhance the former Benchmark’s 3.14 million ounces of gold equivalent measured and indicated mineral resources and 415,000 ounces of gold equivalent inferred mineral resources, with high-grade, near-surface mineralization at Thesis Gold’s Ranch Project.

Hi-View has a highly prospective land package of 9,139.57 hectares contiguous to Thesis Gold’s land holdings with multiple high priority targets and historical drilling having been conducted on less than 1% of the property and returning up to 11.55grams per ton gold over 10 meters core length at the Golden Stranger target area. 

Golden Stranger Property

The Golden Stranger Property consists of seven claims covering 2,669 hectares in the Toodoggone district, contiguous to Thesis Gold’s properties.

The Property has been explored by Western Horizons Resources Ltd. by shallow surface trenches and test pits. A total of 29 BQ diamond drill holes totaling 1,862 meters in 1987 and 1,661 meters in 1988. Work completed on the Property also included VLF-EM, Ground Magnetic and Induced Polarization geophysical surveys, silt and soil sampling geochemical surveys. All previous work on the property up to and including the 1988 program has been compiled and is described in the “1988 report on exploration” by Gower Thompson & Associates Ltd. prepared for Western Horizons.

Preliminary data on the Golden Stranger Property indicates 498,905 tonnes of ore grading 2.74 grams per tonne gold, totalling 39,870 ounces of gold (not National Instruments 43-101 compliant and therefore not to be relied upon (Sutton Resources Ltd. Report to Shareholders, March 30, 1989 in Energy, Mines and Resources Canada Mineral Bulletin MR 223 (1989)).

Hi-View received a detailed data compilation from its geologists, APEX Geoscience Ltd. (“APEX”) detailing historical work completed on its Toodoggone district Golden Stranger and Lawyer Group Properties and making certain recommendations. APEX reported mineralization in the core and on surface on the Golden Stranger Property consistent with other regional mineralized trends. Geology in the highland western edge is non favourable Sustut Sediments. APEX recommended work to focus on the Hazelton Volcanics in the plateau/valley settings and would include targeting Lawyers and Ranch style low to high sulphidation epithermal mineralization. It was further recommended to conduct either airborne or ground mag/VLF electromagnetics. Near to the Black Lake intrusive suite to the south, the targets may also include skarn and Tertiary Kemess type epithermal/porphyry style mineralization.

APEX also completed a sampling program targeted select areas of the Golden Stranger mineralized zone with a modern soil sampling program, covering portions of the Toodoggone volcanics including the important Metsantan members that hosts the Golden Strange zone. The sampling program also identified some new points of interest that included a few new outcrops that were rock grab sampled. A total of 399 soil samples and 11 rock grab samples were collected and will be submitted for assay. Hi-View additionally completed a Wildlife Management Plan with Chu Cho Environmental, an industry-leading environmental research and consulting service provider fully-owned by Tsay Keh Dene Nation.

Lawyers Group Property

Hi-View’s subsidiary, Zeal has the option to earn a 100% interest from Musk Metals Corp (MUSK:CSE) (“Musk”) in the Lawyer’s North, West and East claims, known as the Lawyers Group Property, totalling 6,260 hectares, located the Toodoggonne district contiguous to the Golden Stranger Property and Thesis Gold’s properties.

In December 2021 Musk Metals conducted an airborne tri-axial radiometer survey of the Property covering approximately 15,469 acres. The airborne survey was conducted using a manned helicopter equipped with specially designed GEM Systems GSMP 35A airborne potassium vapor high resolution magnetometers mounted on a non-magnetic stinger in a tri-axial array.

In the data compilation report done by Hi-View’s geologists, APEX reported strong magnetic anomalies on the Lawyers Group Property consistent with other regional mineralized trends. Intersecting structures offer potential for concentration of mineralization. The report also noted historical soils just off-Property along geophysical trends that returned good gold values.