Babine Copper -
Gold Project

Hi-View’s Babine claim package is situated within the Jurassic Hazelton Group volcanics at the contact with the Triassic Takla Group volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks. Spanning over 609 hectares, the Babine claim package is located in the “Babine” Copper-Gold porphyry district of central British Columbia.

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Under Management in the USA

Babine Copper - Gold Porphyry District of Central British Columbia

Hi-View’s Babine mineral claim and American Eagle’s NAK deposit and Amarc’s DUKE deposit
Hi-View’s Babine mineral claim and American Eagle’s NAK deposit and Amarc’s DUKE deposit

Hi-View Resources has acquired a 100% interest in a highly prospective mineral claim package spanning over 609 hectares, located in the “Babine” Copper-Gold porphyry district of central British Columbia. Hi-View’s claims are easily accessible from the mining Town of Smithers, located approximately 90 km to the southwest and connected via highway and rail to major BC ports. The property exhibits favorable topography and significant infrastructure in place leading to potential low-cost exploration.

Hi-View’s Babine claim package is located approximately 12 kilometers to the southeast of American Eagle Gold’s (“AE” – TSX.V) “NAK” deposit and is situated on-trend and within similar geology to the NAK and Amarc Resources Ltd. (“AHR” – TSX.V) “DUKE” deposits. Recent significant funding by Teck Resources Limited (“TECK” – TSX) and South32 Ltd. into American Eagle Gold has increased their cash to approximately $37 million enabling a comprehensive drill program to test the full extent of the nearby NAK system (see AE press release dated November 11th, 2024) ensuring an active exploration camp.

Historical Data and Geological Context

Hi-View’s Babine claim package is situated within the Jurassic Hazelton Group volcanics at the contact with the Triassic Takla Group volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks. Porphyry deposits in the area including Hearne Hill, Duke and Nak are associated with intrusions of the Babine Plutonic Suite (EBgd) into the Hazelton Group volcanics, several of these plutons are mapped to the immediate east of the Claim (Figure 2 below). The faulted contact between Hazelton and Takla volcanics is an important marker horizon for porphyry and epithermal exploration in northern British Columbia, as it represents deep structures which may be utilized by ascending mineralization forming fluids (Nelson and Kyba, 2014).

The claim package is largely covered by glacial till and situated within a deep north to northeastern valley. The direction of ice flow in the area is mapped as south-southeast (Huntley et al., 1996, Stumpf et al., 1996 and Ferbey et al., 2009). Anomalies in till and lake or stream sediments will have been displaced to the south to southeast, which is evident in the dispersion of anomalous copper (>40 ppm Cu in Lake and Stream and >85 ppm Cu in Till) sediments to the south and southeast of both the Nak and Duke prospects. There are three anomalous copper in lake sediment samples and three anomalous copper in Till samples south and southeast of the Hi-View’s Babine Claim.

The Search Phase ll airborne magnetic survey shows a northwest trending structural trend from the Nak and Duke prospects, Mast and Hautete showings, and continues onto Hi-View’s Babine claim package. The magnetics over the claim area appear muted compared to Nak, Duke, Mast and Hautete. This is assumed to be due to the deep valley and till coverage on the Claim. The Search ll potassium radiometric survey shows good correlation with the Babine Plutonic Suite intrusions, potassium high anomalies appear to continue onto the Claim, though data appears to have been lost over most areas of the claim.

Regional Geology of the Claim area. The Claim is situated within similar rocks to the Nak and Duke Deposits
